Take a Walk Through the Flower Fields This Weekend!

The was-band and I had flown over the Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch a few times back in the day in our small plane, but I’d never actually wandered through them. They, understandably, look much smaller from the air, and I was curious to visit them in person after seeing beautiful pics on Cest Christine’s instagram feed and blog….and Taylor mentioning she wanted to see them.

So, last Sunday I asked Taylor, Dan & Rowan if they wanted to go…”yes!” was the answer…and off we went. It’s about an hour south from me and I wanted to get there when they opened at 9 to beat the crowds. I assumed we’d stay for about 1/2 hour and just wander…how much strolling can you do through a flower field. Well, we didn’t leave until almost 11!! As one of my neighbors said, “So, it was a 2 hour photo shoot?!” and that it was!

This definitely is better said with pics….enjoy!

over 50 acres of colorful, large ranunculus in an array of colors
I’m ready for my close-up
the Victorian Roses taking some photos for their Rose Parade application…check out their website

coincidentally matching…did not plan it! Romping Through the Ranunculus with Rowan!

fun morning in the flower fields

I’m so glad we went early. By the time we left the parking lot was packed and the crowds were pretty big. It’s around $18 (incl service charge) to get in and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. What a beautiful way to start a Sunday…and the week! If you have some time this weekend, head down to Carlsbad and romp through the ranunculus…’cause they’re only open until May 13th and I’m thinking they’ll only really be great for the next two weekends and then start dying off. You’ll be glad you did!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

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