hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny…C.S. Lewis
…or a similar sentiment
sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together…Marilyn Monroe
What better way to start each week than with a daily affirmation, quote or just happy, positive thinking….Motivational Mondays! They’ve pulled me through some really tough times and I truly believe that if you keep them in your thoughts, or the back of your mind, they can become your self-fulfilling prophecy…..and quite possibly change your life for the better. I hope they help you start your week in a positive way.
Some of my favorite photographs will accompany the sayings…all taken with my phone, never using enhancing filters.
You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!
Jeanine, you’re my motivational thought!!!!!!!!
xo Mimi
thanks Meem!
Love to start my week this way! Thanks!!!