The Power of Flowers

This was supposed to go out Wednesday, but I had some technical issues on the blog. You may have gotten that wonky test post🤦‍♀️ … better late than never ….

I’m a somewhat recent listener, and fan, of the Mel Robbin’s podcast. A few days ago the topic was flowers and the science-backed research on how flowers make you happier. I was all in! I love flowers … who doesn’t? Anywhoooo, she referenced THIS Harvard study and THIS study at Rutgers which both sing the praises of having fresh flowers within your home and/or workplace. I’ll give you the Cliffs Notes version of all the reasons why you should have fresh flowers in your environment.

According to the studies, flowers can …

  • boost your mood
  • boost your mental well-being
  • strengthen feelings of compassion towards others
  • decrease anxiety and worry
  • boost your energy

Who wouldn’t want to enjoy all of those benefits? … and in such an easy way! Sure, you could go to a florist and buy a big bouquet and spend a ton of money …. OR … you could go to Trader Joe’s (or your local supermarket) and get a simple bouquet of 10 stems of daffodils for $2.00 or splurge on peonies for $10.00. Break up that bouquet and put a few stems in your bedroom, so it’s one of the first things you see when you wake up, and scatter the rest in small jars or vases around the house.

Think of a time that you received flowers … a birthday, an illness, after the death of a family member, Mother’s/Father’s Day, moving to a new home. How did they make you feel? I would venture to guess you felt seen, loved, appreciated. Just knowing someone thought of you is a gift in and of itself, but the lasting gift of the flowers that you get to enjoy for days on end just re-iterates that feeling every time you see them. The gift that keeps on giving!

The study goes on to say that giving flowers is also a gift that impacts you positively. It’s a gift that makes you feel more emotionally connected to the person you’re giving them to. They are an extension of how much that person means to you. What a beautiful sentiment.

I know there are some that think they are a waste of money and “they just die!,” but these two studies prove otherwise. Sure, they do die, but if you change the water, cut the stems and basically just care for them a bit, they can last a bit longer. Isn’t it worth it to have a little joy in your life, whether it lasts two days or two weeks. It’s a small price for a big impact.

… and there’s no need to wait for someone to give you flowers! You deserve things of beauty. Give them to yourself and enjoy all the positive feelings & emotions that envelope you every time you look at those flowers. … Or if nothing else, stop and smell the flowers on a walk around your neighborhood!

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The Earth Laughs in Flowers!”

Wandering Wednesday … 72 hours in San Francisco

It had been over 3 years since I’d visited my best friend, Mary Kay, and her wife, Laura, in SF. I was overdue for a visit and wanted to have some fun new adventures. We packed a lot into 72 hours! MK planned ahead and made a reservation a month in advance at Chez Panisse, Alice Waters iconic restaurant. I can’t believe I’d never been.We dined at the cozy cafe upstairs and it was soooo good! The ambience upstairs is more relaxed, but just as quaint as, the stuffier, downstairs restaurant (not to mention less expensive.)

I had the smoked duck breast with broccolini & fried onion rings.
They both had the halibut with greens & new potatoes
So cozy!
We drove home under a full moon and I captured this before going to bed.
… and woke up Friday morning to this gorgeous view! I love their place! It’s an oasis, so close to the city!

Friday: ferry ride to and from the city; exploring the De Young Museum’s two exhibits: Fashioning San Francisco & The photographs of Irving Penn; a ride in a driverless Waymo car; an Irish coffee at The Buena Vista Cafe; and a lovely dinner at the little French bistro, Cote Ouest. Here’s our day in pictures …

Oscar de la Renta, Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, to name a few. No surprise that I loved the last two funky, fun pieces by Japanese artist/designers Junya Watanabe and Kei Ninomiya.

I love still life!
Audrey Hepburn … One of Penn’s most famous photos
Although he hated smoking, Penn did some ad work for the tobacco industry. After his mentor,  Alexey Brodovitch, died of cancer he started collecting old cigarette butts he found on the street to document the decay that these caused to so many. These were my dad’s cigarette of choice, Chesterfield King, (he died of lung cancer at age 69), so I had to take this pic.
… time for a driverless adventure to The Buena Vista.
After some trepidation, we settled in & all decided that we felt pretty safe.
cable cars and Irish coffee … quintessential SF adventure!
another driverless car to get to this quaint bistro
Steak frites is always a wise choice.
Ferry home through the fog.

Saturday: A day on Treasure Island (where I’d never been before) … checking out the crafts fair, picnicking while watching sailboats go by and a glass of wine with an awesome view of the city.

Mersea, a great little spot with a panoramic view of the city.
A fun weekend with life-long friends!

Motivational Monday … 10 years

“Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life,
you didn’t settle for it.” … Mandy Hale


The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago.
The second best time is now.
(that’ll put a visual on how far you’ve come!)

Motivational Monday … I Get To!

Gratitude changes everything:

Instead of saying “I have to …,” start your day with “I get to …,”

I get to exercise.
I get to see my friends and family.
I get to eat delicious food.
I get to tell someone I love them.
I get to work and earn money.
I get to experience new things.
I get to make someone’s day better.

Try it! It’s all about perspective.
Why not do a Random Act of Kindness today to celebrate all the things you “get to” do!

Motivational Monday … the ripple effect

You think you’re just a drop in the ocean …
but look at the ripple effect one drop can make!

You’re amazing!