Winter Wonderland Weekend

A few of the neighborhood girls and I spent a wonderful weekend in Williams, AZ at our friend/neighbor’s home…escaping this ridiculously hot February weather.  Here’s a little postcard of our trip…and the shenanigans that ensued.IMG_20160206_074748

View from the kitchen window


There were seven of us traveling…three drove and we took the train.  What a fun adventure.  The train stations were so historic and cool…unfortunately the night-time pics don’t do them justice, so you’ll have to take my word for it (…and a blurryish camera phone pic)

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While some of the girls went cross country skiing, I spent the first day reading and relaxing in front of the wood burning fire with my feet up!


The dogs joined us, as we relaxed in the warm afternoon sun surrounded by snow.


Raclette was on the menu for our first evening!  If you’ve never had it, I’d recommend.  It’s similar to fondue in that it’s an interactive dinner that you assemble and everyone cooks their own.  Our gracious hostess, Joanne, lived and worked in Switzerland for awhile, which is where raclette originates from.  More info on ingredients, set-up etc… this Friday.


Our first use of the selfie-stick..which is why I’m so close to the camera….such a fun dinner!

cross country

Day two I ventured out with the girls for some cross country skiing.  It was a bit icy in parts…and that’s when this happened….

cross country fall

It was super bowl Sunday, so the afternoon was spent in front of the TV with lots of football worthy snacks to enjoy.  Dave joined us for the game and our second try at the selfie-stick group shot.



Day three the girls in the car left early but our train didn’t leave until after 10pm…..soooo, a little snow-shoeing and a craft project idea courtesy of Carre!
Winter solstice paper and twig lanterns!!



They were all so different…and so much fun and relaxing to make!


As the sun went down Carre and Joanne did the lighting….and voila…..IMG_20160208_185545

They were so pretty against the white snow….but it was time to head to the train….IMAG0465

The shuttle to the train picks you up from the beautiful lobby of
The Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel

We went a little early to enjoy the historic bar, known as Spenser’s Pub


A 32 ft wide oil painting depicting the The Grand Canyon Railway, called “The Trip”, hangs in the bar…it’s huge!


Just before we (I’m obviously taking the pic) boarded the train and had to say goodbye to Joanne (on right)….A FABULOUS time was had by all!!  Can’t wait for next year!


…back to our 80+ degree February weather!  ….I know, west coast problems!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

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