Book Review…Me before You by Jojo Moyes

me before you

As I sit down to write this I’ve literally just finished reading Me before You by Jojo Moyes and had to get my thoughts onto paper while they were fresh in my mind.  Okay, this book is not going to win a Pulitzer, it’s no Daring Greatly or Boys in the Boat, but I loved it!  I suspect I was ready for this kind of book because I laughed, I cried (more than I thought I would), but mostly I enjoyed the beautiful love story that shone through.  I think that’s all I can say without giving everything away!  It’s just a lovely book with good character development, and some interesting moral issues for discussion at our book club next week.  I like Moyes style of writing.  It got 4 1/2 stars on Amazon….and the movie is in pre-production.  The perfect weekend read on the beach here in 90 degree SoCal…and for all of you thawing out on the East coast!  Happy Friday the 13th!

 You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails! 


  1. I read this book too! I couldn’t put it down! I started it on the subway and came home and announced to Austin I needed to read it all night. You’re right, not a Pulitzer, but the story and the moral issues, really got me thinking! The main character made me laugh, very Bridget Jones Diary-like! Happy weekend! 🙂

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