2015…looking back

2015…what a year!  For me, personally, it was an amazing celebration of events and new beginnings. For the world, it seemed a constant state of turmoil.

From the attacks by the Islamic State in January at Charlie Hedbo in Paris, to the attacks in San Bernardino that were too close to home, to more attacks in Paris, it seems a daunting task to reign in the terror that this group has caused world wide. This past week there was some good news about the global effort to defeat ISIS, as their numbers seem to be shrinking with some success in Ramadi. Let’s hope the trend and momentum continues in 2016.

Every month of 2015 brought news of refugees fleeing their war-torn homelands, earthquakes in Nepal, climate change, racial unrest from Ferguson to Baltimore, attacks on Planned Parenthood and the frustrating debate on gun control.  How many more innocent lives have to be lost here in the U.S. before there is a serious conversation and legislation on gun control.  Sadly, I’m not sure it will ever happen in my lifetime due to the incredible power of the NRA.

….and there were some events in 2015 that were important and positive….the Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex marriage, Caitlyn Jenner and Pope Francis…

…to the just plain silly..”The Donald” keeping us entertained with his ridiculousness…and who can forget the Patriots and Tom Brady’s deflate-gate.

In my own personal bubble, 2015 was an amazing year of travel and events….pics you’ve seen and I don’t mind posting again….

first dance

Happy New Year and Cheers to 2016!  What will your “WORD” be for 2016?

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

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