Rowing, Rum, Raviolis and Revelry

Yup…that  pretty much sums up last weekend! Started out early Saturday morning with my team and other rowers for our annual “rum” row out towards the Newport Beach jetty. There are over 10 boats dressed in our holiday finest. We stop out near the jetty for our picture and rum toast to the holidays. The party continues at the local bar, The Shamrock, but I couldn’t make it this year. Always a fun time!

coxswain in charge of pouring the rum shots

I couldn’t make to The Shamrock because I was spending the day up in LA with my friends from grammar school…and one from high school. The five of us get together once, sometimes twice a year…Nicky flies in from Chicago, Mary Kay from SF, with the remaining three, Linda, Dana & myself all from the local area. Nicky was flying in to see her mom and contacted us a month or so ago to see if we were available on Dec. 16th. Bummer, Dana was celebrating her annual ravioli making with her family on that day. Solution??? Invite ourselves, thanks to Nicky for asking (we are not a shy bunch!)

Dana & Suzanne making the ravioli dough…perfecto!
the gang of 5
this is how to make perfect circles…
some serious ravioli making
I think we made 12 of these trays of the finished product….the taste testing was yummy!
Thanks Dana and family!

So, I swung by Bob Hope Airport, aka Burbank, and picked up Mary Kay and we headed to Dana’s cousin’s home. What a fun day learning how to make raviolis while catching up on each other’s lives and families.

We continued on to Linda’s home and chatted a bit more, then MK and I went to Larchmont Village for dinner and the evening relaxing and enjoying my sister’s fabulous apartment in Hancock Park.

Sunday morning I dropped MK at the airport for her mid-morning flight and made the trek back down to Orange County. The day was not over!

The Newport Beach Boat Parade is a fun event and a good excuse for my family to get together…and it usually coincides with Taylor’s birthday too. My sister and brother-in-law graciously host whomever can make it in the family. Mariellen is a great cook and always outdoes herself in the decorating department. Their home is festive and really gets you in the holiday spirit. Last year was the announcement that T&D were expecting a baby. This year baby Rowan was here joining in the celebration.


An amazing weekend of fun, family and friends that I look forward to every year! (hint, hint…hoping we get invited to make raviolis next year!)
Have a great weekend!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

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