Thanksgiving…the best day of the year!


I LOVE Thanksgiving!! The day always starts with the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade, where I go back in time, in my mind, to my childhood, with all of us gathered around the tv watching…and I also reminisce about seeing it all in person six years ago…this pic is my view from Central Park West…magical!

Today is the first in five years that I will be celebrating back where it all began in 1992, when we hosted our first family Thanksgiving. I’ve had so much fun setting up the tablescapes, the shopping and the anticipation of everyone’s arrival. It truly feels like a full-circle moment.I get to see my amazing family…and a few friends too; there are three football games on; the food is to-die-for; and the gratitude I feel for my life is never bigger than on Thanksgiving.

one of the tables..a nod to my Parisian houseguest
…just waiting for the food!

I’m a grateful person on a daily basis, but Thanksgiving is the proverbial icing on the cake of life….but I know it can be stressful for so many. Slow down, take a deep breath and enjoy those that have gathered around your table…and those you hold in your heart that can’t be with you today.

Today is a gift and tomorrow is never promised.

…and no matter how you feel about recent current events,
you are blessed to be alive.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

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