The Most Refreshing Gazpacho Recipe

School’s almost out, which means I’m almost off for the summer and I’m soooo ready! So, what better recipe than gazpacho to get you in a Summer mind-set. Thanks to my sister’s good friend (….& now my friend), Nancy K., for sharing this yummy, refreshing gazpacho recipe.


It’s a lot of chopping, but makes a big batch that you can enjoy for days.

Gazpacho Soup

4 Tomatoes, chopped (I added little tomatoes too for texture)
2 medium cucumbers, seeded & chopped
1 red, 1 yellow, 1 orange bell pepper, chopped
1 large red onion, chopped
4 shots of Worcestershire sauce (4 quick squirts from bottle)
1 T. sea salt
1 t. black pepper
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
Handful of cilantro (though you can also add parsley)


Equal parts:
Clamata juice
Spicy V-8 juice
Lemon juice to taste


Chop & mix everything…then add equal parts of the juices (though the lemon juice is just to taste).  Chill & serve. (Note…sometimes I just halve the recipe when it’s just me and there’s still a lot to enjoy!)  Isn’t it gorgeous!!

The perfect summer meal to enjoy alfresco…pair it with a light cucumber cocktail!  

What’s on the table, is never as important as who is around it!

 You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

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