Two Artists Create An Amazing Home

 IMAG4017Ann makes these whimsical, fun lamps from vintage toys, lunchboxes and tin cans

My brother, Tim, is an art director, as well as an acclaimed illustrator and author of over 18 children’s books (download his new e-book The Last Talking Pig.)  His wife, Ann, has been a floral designer for over 30 years…and together they are the most creative duo you’ll ever meet!  Every time we go to their home for Easter it’s a new experience…a feast for the eyes. There are always new little vignettes to see, furniture moved around and different color palettes than the last time we were there.  This year I decided to take a bunch of pictures to share with all of you!  Enjoy!


Look up as you enter their home and you are greeted to a ceiling fresco that Tim painted (he also painted a fun version of the Sistine Chapel in his bedroom growing up.)

IMAG4008Also in the entry-way is this mirror, framed with a broken china mosaic that Ann did
…not to mention the clever tin can & porcelain doll!

IMAG4005 IMAG4003Look to your left and be inspired by all the little vignettes
(like the one below) in the living room.

IMAG4004Vintage pocket watches in a vintage silver box.

IMAG4009The dining room with built in corner china cabinets

IMAG4010Humpty Dumpty really did have a great fall!
(this is from the dining room table centerpiece arrangement of teacups and vases)

IMAG4012The kitchen sitting area…with many more vignettes (see below) to enjoy!


The Pez collection with another fun lamp.


A large book atop a small metal trash can is the perfect little side
table for this vintage phone.

IMAG4024…more kitchen cuteness!


Gotta love this vintage stove!

IMAG4016The den/library.

IMAG4019Who wouldn’t want to be a guest in this inviting Shabby Chic style bedroom?

IMAG4020…more fun tin can projects coming together.

IMAG4021The charming master bedroom.

IMAG4022…with this vintage dresser, whose top has been transformed
with another of Ann’s mosaic masterpieces.

IMAG4042Love the bead-board and vintage mirror in the bathroom.

IMAG4037They converted the garage into Tim’s studio.  The bookcase is hinged on the right and on wheels…roll it out and there’s a little speakeasy in the back that their two boys created.
(Oh, yeah, their two boys are ridiculously creative too!)
That’s a bunch of my brother’s books on the shelves.


IMAG4040 IMAG4039

Artwork (mostly Tim’s), vintage furniture, a wooden rocking horse and an electric fireplace create the ambiance in the studio.

Let’s Go Outside!

from mareThe table set for thirty…with an arbor at the end (great photo by Mariellen)


Ann’s garden and greenhouse.


Drinks are served…the iron chandelier is suspended on a wire over the table.
(another great photo by Mariellen!)

mare3They built the brick around the antique oven and bbq and hung some old windows from the tree above with chains.  The oven works as a storage and serving area.
They built, and painted the puppet theater on the left when the boys were little…and now all the little young cousins get to enjoy it again. (pic by Mariellen)

IMAG4031A vintage tablecloth is the backdrop for the scrumptious dessert table. 

Okay…I’m exhausted just looking at all the creative projects they’ve done….and will continue to do.  It’s always exciting to anticipate what it’ll look like next time we’re there!  I hope some of their ideas have inspired you!


You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails! 


  1. Oh to be a kid growing up in that home… I see where you get your inspiration!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This house is unbelievably fabulous!!! WOW! I want to visit and start a million crafts!!! So much inspo!

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