Motivational Monday….Fall

Love this quote my sister, Mariellen, sent me….

on my friend, Dennie’s, gorgeous farm in Sonoma

Anyone who thinks Autumn leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day…Shira Tamir

vineyards on the way to Mendocino

I’ve said it before….Fall is my favorite time of year….spectacular color show from the Fall leaves, pumpkins, football, scarves, boots, a little more crisp weather (hopefully!), curling up with a good book by the fireplace…it’s all good…it’s all HYGGE! I can’t wait to head back east in a couple of weeks to visit with A&K and bask in the Fall weather (sorry, it’s just not the same here in SoCal)

Enjoy the first week of Fall

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Monday….DO IT!

Apply for that job. Date that person. Buy that plane ticket. Move to that city. Do all the things that scare you, because they’re worth it….and so are you!! (Nice tag-line Nike!)

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Monday…Stupid stuff

Life is too short to worry about stupid stuff. Have fun. Fall in love. Regret nothing, and don’t let people bring you down.

AMEN!!…You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Monday

Every time you get upset at something, ask yourself if you were to die tomorrow, was it worth wasting your time to be angry? …. Robert Tew

Happy Labor Day!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

I wanna be Betty White..or Iris Apfel…when I grow up!

So, I was watching a reincarnation of “To Tell the Truth”, a very popular show back in the 60’s & 70’s, and one of the judges is Betty White.  She’s f*&%#ing amazing, funny and so talented. Halfway through the show I decide to ask my phone “how old is Betty White?” I knew she was up there in years, but I was SHOCKED to find out that she’s 94…WHAT??!  I thought she was in her mid/late 80’s!  She is the true definition of someone who is as young as she feels.  She is so sharp and witty and has a comeback line for everyone & everything on this very fast moving show. We should all have that joie de vivre in life…but she has carried it through for 94 years.

I’ve mentioned before how weird it is when so many similar things seem to come into one’s consciousness all at the same time…not a coincidence! I’m sure it’s because I’ve recently become a grandma (jammy will be the name for me…originally it was yaya, but this one fits me more), but it’s happening again (I’ll try not to bore you too much in the coming weeks and months with stories and pics of precious Rowan and the yet-to-be-born grandbaby coming in January).

Back in July, my friend, Barrie, gave me a book by Lesley Stahl titled Becoming Grandma and I’m loving and savoring it as I step into that role. There are so many great stories, scientific references and just fun uplifting information about becoming a grandparent. Back in June there was a Sunday morning show with Carl Reiner about a documentary on HBO called “If You’re not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast“, and finally, I stumbled upon an article about a show on Netflix titled “Impossible Dreamers.”

“If you’re in the Obit…” is an uplifting, funny journal of the lives of nonagenarians, people aged 90-99, and those over 100. When you think “I don’t want to live that long!” and then you watch this show, it changes your perception of what being that old means…and the possibility of it happening in your own life. I gleaned a few quotes from a few of those featured….

  • Dan Buettner, author of Blue Zones said the capacity of the human body is age 90, a little higher for women, but life expectancy is 78…why? His book sets out to answer the question why. It’s on my “to-read” list.
  • the legendary, extremely prolific Carl Reiner says, among other things, there must be humor.
  • Stan Lee says that being old is like a whole new adventure, you can’t explain it to younger people.
  • Iris Apfel, whom I love, says just take advantage of being alive.
  • Dick Van Dyke says to keep moving
  • Jerry Seinfeld (who’s not old, but his mom lived to the ripe old age of 99 and she was one of those that inspired the show) says you must have love…and he goes on to say “love of anything”…love your coffee in the morning…whatever it is “love it!”
  • …and lastly, Tao Porchon-Lynch (featured in both documentaries) says that when you get up in the morning think “this is going to be the best day of your life” not about what you can’t do

“Impossible Dreamers” is the chronicling and interviewing of amazing senior athletes. You’ll feel a bit inadequate, but also truly inspired all at the same time by these strong, older athletes. Their determination and love of sport is infectious. It made me think, “WOW, I might still have 35+ years left in me!” I need to start exercising more!!

I have a couple of friends who really dread birthdays. I love them and always remind people when they get bummed about getting older that the alternative is worse! Enjoy your life while you still have it! Okay, we may not all live as long as the inspirational seniors and nonagenarians in these two documentaries, but, as Abraham Lincoln said “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years!”

….and all this thinking about babies, aging and grandparents made me miss my mom a bit. This song didn’t help…but it’s beautiful…take a listen (get tissues)!!

forgot to add this pic in last Monday’s post of these fabulous girls, that I’ve been friends with for over 40 years….I cherish their friendship & the history we have together!

Have a FABULOUS weekend!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Meaningful Monday…Family and Friends

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are charming gardeners who make our souls blossom…Marcel Proust

…thanks to all these peeps for their friendship, love and support. I don’t have pics of all of you…but you know who you are…and I’m grateful everyday to have you in my life!
….and the newest blessing in my life…baby Rowan

….my cup runneth over
You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Emotional Monday….Grandparent LOVE

Welcome Rowan Joan Collery….thank you for this beautiful gift Taylor & Dan!

This is the only time in our lives we fall madly in love before we know what the person is like…Ellen Goodman

I’m not sure I completely agree with Ellen, because I think I fell pretty madly in love with my children the day they were born….but the difference is that you’re so tired you don’t even realize it!

Happy Monday Everyone!!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!


Yup, that’s the reaction I’ve gotten from a lot of people when I tell them I got a dog. WHAT!?…you travel so much?! How will you work that in to your lifestyle? Yes, I have been traveling quite a bit these past few years and loving every minute of it. I’ve traveled alone, I’ve traveled with friends, I’ve visited places I’ve always dreamed about and I’m still looking forward to more adventures and re-visiting my favorites. BUT….I kind of felt like it was time to slow down on the travel, add a dog and get ready for the the next chapter of my life…grand-parenting.

For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven…Ecclesiastes (…and Pete Seeger too!)

I grew up with dogs & cats & pet mice & pet guinea pigs…a whole menagerie. At one time when I was young I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian. We had a small dog when the kids were growing up, who died over 9 years ago, and it was time to bring a furry friend back into my life. So, yes, I got a dog. Her name is Zoey and she’s perfect! She’s a 5 year old yellow lab and, except for an operation to remove a growth (which was just gross & expensive!), she has been so easy, knew how to use the doggy door and can fetch all day long. My son and daughter-in-law have an awesome yellow lab named Prince that is so well trained & that I love. I think of Zoey as the west coast, female, version of Prince! ….although definitely not as good on/off leash!

By getting a dog it literally grounds me a bit…and I don’t mean “staying grounded”..I feel I’m already a pretty grounded person…but, again, literally to keep me at home more. I’ve been pretty care-free (except for the obvious challenges I’ve faced) these past 5 years and I was kind of ready for the added responsibility that a dog entails. I’ve had her almost three months now and I love coming home to that smiling face that is so excited to see me! ….and there’s the added bonus of possibly meeting that perfect guy at the dog beach…a girl can hope!

So, sure, I’ll still travel for rowing, but my planned travel will mostly be to see my son and daughter-in-law in Brooklyn…with occasional home exchanges here and there.  She’s so great with other dogs that she’s happy being boarded or just hanging out at friend’s homes when I’ll be out of town. Another step on my road to grandparenthood!

I love this little framed needlepoint that I got on a trip to Carmel years ago.

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Mondays…share joy

In our lives, there are moments of great beauty that are so fragile, so transitory that to experience them is pure joy. To share them is to know the essence of living.

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!