Motivational Monday

If you always do what you’ve always done
you’ll always get what you’ve always got…Henry Ford

2016…time to change the pattern

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

2015…looking back

2015…what a year!  For me, personally, it was an amazing celebration of events and new beginnings. For the world, it seemed a constant state of turmoil.

From the attacks by the Islamic State in January at Charlie Hedbo in Paris, to the attacks in San Bernardino that were too close to home, to more attacks in Paris, it seems a daunting task to reign in the terror that this group has caused world wide. This past week there was some good news about the global effort to defeat ISIS, as their numbers seem to be shrinking with some success in Ramadi. Let’s hope the trend and momentum continues in 2016.

Every month of 2015 brought news of refugees fleeing their war-torn homelands, earthquakes in Nepal, climate change, racial unrest from Ferguson to Baltimore, attacks on Planned Parenthood and the frustrating debate on gun control.  How many more innocent lives have to be lost here in the U.S. before there is a serious conversation and legislation on gun control.  Sadly, I’m not sure it will ever happen in my lifetime due to the incredible power of the NRA.

….and there were some events in 2015 that were important and positive….the Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex marriage, Caitlyn Jenner and Pope Francis…

…to the just plain silly..”The Donald” keeping us entertained with his ridiculousness…and who can forget the Patriots and Tom Brady’s deflate-gate.

In my own personal bubble, 2015 was an amazing year of travel and events….pics you’ve seen and I don’t mind posting again….

first dance

Happy New Year and Cheers to 2016!  What will your “WORD” be for 2016?

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Holiday Movies

I’m not much of a binge watcher of TV or movies, but I love re-watching all the old holiday movies at this time of year. I discovered Elf a few nights ago (thanks Kelly!) and really enjoyed it.  Just in case you’re stumped on what to watch in the next day or so before Christmas, I give you my favorite holiday movies list (in no particular order..I love them all!)…..

It’s a Wonderful Life


Miracle on 34th St….the original 1947 version

The Holiday

Holiday Inn

Love Actually

White Christmas

Home Alone (actually haven’t watched this one in awhile, but it’s funny!)

Scrooge…1970 version with Albert Finney

…and if you don’t have any of these movies, fear not!….AMC Channel is having a holiday movie marathon today & tomorrow!  Light the fire, pour yourself some hot chocolate or eggnog and get in the holiday spirit.

“When I’m worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep and I fall asleep counting my blessings….”….Bing Crosby in White Christmas

Merry Christmas to all…and to all a good night!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Mondays…Holiday Edition II

As you grow older your gift list gets smaller
the things you really want can’t be bought.

Happy (belated) Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa
…and happy anything you celebrate!

It occurred to me that my post last week on the gift of gratefulness didn’t include my expression of  what I’m grateful for (although I’ve written about it quite a bit!)

I am overwhelmingly grateful for my amazing kids & kids-in-law, my family, my friends…and my neighbors & team-mates who are my friends!  I’m also grateful to each of you that reads this little blog that I love writing.  Some weeks and posts are more inspired than others, but I enjoy every minute of the creative process.

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Twins separated at birth…a wild story

Okay, many of you may have heard this story already, ’cause it is kind of an old one, but it’s new to me and I thought it interesting enough to share.

Recently Jack Yufe passed away.  Jack Yufe, “Who’s he?” you say.  He is the identical twin of Oskar Stohr, both born in Trinidad in 1933.  The exceptional thing about these twin’s story is not only the fact that their parents separated them when they were only six months old, Jack staying with his father and Oskar staying with his mother, but also the fact that despite polar opposite upbringings, they had remarkable quirky similarities.

Jack was raised by his father in Trinidad, where the two were born, and Venezuela.  He served in the Israeli Navy, worked on a kibbutz in Israel and eventually settled in San Diego, California. Oskar was taken to Germany by his mother, baptized Catholic by his maternal grandmother, and served in Hitler’s Youth.  It occurred to them later that if they had ever met on the battlefield they may have killed one another.  How freaky, and sad, is that!

They met briefly in 1954 at the urging of their mother, Leisl, but having nothing in common, due to the different ways in which they were nurtured or raised, parted ways after a week, only keeping in touch over the subsequent years with holiday cards. When Ona, Jack’s wife, read an article about a twin study at the University of Minnesota in 1979 she encouraged Jack and Oskar to volunteer, in hopes they’d develop a closer relationship. They agreed and reunited at an airport in Minneapolis.

When they met again, the physical similarities were quite astonishing…both had mustaches; both wore glasses, rounded at the corners; and both had receding hairlines.  Even the clothes they wore were similar, blue shirts with epaulets.  Through the study they found other similarities….same gait in their walk, both loved butter and spicy food, both flushed the toilet before and after using it, both read the ending of books first, both wrapped their writing utensils with tape to get a better grip and both spoke at exactly the same rate, albeit in different languages.  Classic example that gives credibility to the argument of predetermined characteristics that make you who you are, despite crazy different childhood environments.  A documentary was made called Oskar and Jack, although it’s a German film and I couldn’t find it anywhere on Netflix etc…

So, in spite of the fact that they would not have ever been “friends” growing up due to their contradictory upbringings, ultimately they could not deny their unmistakable similarities. I just thought it was a fascinating story to share.  Know any twins?  They can be part of the study here!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

R.I.P….Doug Tompkins

“Happiness comes in a lot of different forms. Money’s not really important. You don’t need it to go kayaking.”….Doug Tompkins 1987

He was probably one of the first mentors that I had and looked up to.  Yeah, he was also the guy that I made reference to in an earlier post…but he was awesome!  Doug Tompkins died this week in a kayak accident and I really felt a sense of loss, personally and for his family.  I loved working with and for him at Esprit.  As a young 21-year-old he made me feel like I mattered at work…which translated to my life in general.  I didn’t realize until this week that he was almost 20 years older than me.  When I worked for him he just seemed so cool….he loved everything was like the second language at Esprit. How lucky to have known him, seen his work ethic, seen how he treated his employees and seen how generous he was to his employees.  Together, with his wife at the time, Susie, they made coming to work so much fun.  They were ahead of their time….aerobic classes at lunch time, one of the original Perrier running courses next door in the park they bought (including a grass tennis court) and a gourmet on-site cafe for employees….not to mention 50% off wholesale prices at the employee sales..oh, I had so many clothes back then!  If you have the time, here’s a 1987 Washington Post article that gives you a sense of their Esprit vision.  ….if you have more time this is a really good, comprehensive article about Doug’s life since he & Susie divorced and sold Esprit. An amazing man who loved life and wanted to leave this earth a better place than when he arrived.  R.I.P. Doug…you will be missed by many.

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Mendocino Memories

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I took a quick trip up to Mendocino during my week-long Thanksgiving break, stopping along the way to see my friend, Vicki, in Carmel.  I hope you’ll enjoy the journey…through my pictures and a few descriptions thrown in….

IMAG5572_1First day…view from Carmel beach

IMAG5574The perfect start to my visit with Vicki



IMAG5583_1Adorable place we ate in Carmel Valley Village.  I always hang out in Carmel-by-the-sea,
but this little village to the east is quaint, with some cute restaurants
and shops (note to self…must go back!)





Day 2…Wowza…from the stunning fall colors of the grape vines to the
majestic redwoods it was a gorgeous drive!



Patterson’s Irish Pub in Mendocino…pub food and football…
as the fog rolled in off the water.



cute homes abound…with a few very beach-y run down ones thrown in.


Pt. Cabrillo light at sunset…right next door to my Airbnb abode


the view of the coast from my bedroom…not too shabby!



there were deer everywhere…literally had to drive super slowly
on the back roads to avoid hitting them.IMAG5629

Day 3…Eggheads Restaurant in Ft. Bragg, just 10 minutes north.  I wasn’t crazy about the town, but this was a nice stop for breakfast that my Airbnb host recommended.  The whole theme is centered around the Wizard of Oz.

right down to…”follow the yellow brick road” to this outdoor bathroom.IMAG5631

…then back down the coast to Pt. Arena lighthouse
where they have cottages to rent too!





there’s a little town called Irish Beach on the way to Pt. Arena…
the Irish are everywhere!



Back in Mendocino for a yummy bowl of clam chowder for dinner..sitting on the deck at
Flow Restaurant, the only restaurant with a view of the beautiful coast,
enjoying the changing temperature.


Day 4…down to Paso Robles, with a quick stop in Alameda…more beautiful vines abound!

IMAG5666Day 5..good morning Paso Robles…time to head home for Thanksgiving.

I’m so glad I took this quick trip.  I was able to get an abundance of Fall colors, learned all about the pleasures of Airbnb and discovered the world of podcasts.IMAG5595_1

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Monday

It will hurt.
It will take time.
It will require dedication.
It will require willpower.
It requires sacrifice.
There will be temptation.
But, I promise you, when you
reach your goal, it’s

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!