On Being a Woman, Inequality…and an all girl’s Catholic high school

My friend, Darla, posted this video to FB that has the following caption..”Dustin Hoffman breaks down crying explaining something that every woman sadly already experienced.”  I love Dustin Hoffman and most of his movies so I clicked.  (I’ll wait while you click & watch it….)

So, after watching it, I started thinking about myriad issues relating to the differences between men and women.  I’ve always liked being a woman…and that’s good, because I don’t have much choice! (well, nowadays I guess I do have a choice but that’s a whole different post) I went to an all girls Catholic high school and I believe it empowered me to stand up for myself and not feel inferior to boys.  It’s just not something you think about when you’re surrounded by strong, confident women….even if it is only high school.  I don’t think I ever really considered that boys would make more money and hold more leadership positions.  I still consider myself a feminist of sorts….not like some staunch feminist who come across sometimes as man-haters…but I enjoy getting my nails done, putting on makeup and fun clothes…and I confess I feel a bit superior to men in that I can carry a baby for nine months and they can’t.  In the end, though, I just feel like men and women are equals….but, at the age of almost 55, I guess I’ve been naive…and to be honest, I like living in my glass-half-full world, even if it is naive.

There’s been a lot of talk lately in the media and with the presidential candidates about the inexplicable inequality between men and women’s wages.  How can it be that a male CEO makes much more than a woman CEO?  In the intro to Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In, her website says “The book challenges us to change the conversation from what women can’t do to what we can do,…”  How sad that we need a book to tell us how to act in society in order to get ahead in the male dominated business world, but it did get me thinking whether there was any time, or times, that I felt I was being treated differently because I was a woman.  A few came to mind…

The only time I truly know I was treated differently because I’m a woman was the time the was-band and I bought our first new car.  It was going to be a mom-mobile, aka minivan, to shuttle the kids and their friends around to various activities, as well as for long road trips.  So, we go this dealership to get a car, for me, and the salesman literally asks the was-band all the questions….what color would you like? what model looks good to you? did we want to finance it?  Every. Single. Question. was directed at him and the guy barely looked at me.  When I tried to answer a question he’d give his rebuttal to the was-band.  Wow, was I pissed off!!  Needless to say we left there, me fuming, and bought the car from another dealership.

The only other time I felt I was treated differently because I was a woman was at a job I had back in my early 20’s.  I had busted my butt to do everything I could to get a new division at said job up and running, along with the other two principals in the new department. When it came time for our annual bonuses I didn’t get one from the head of the department.  I was fuming!  I immediately went to the president/founder of the company and this is what he said (I’ll paraphrase)…”Well, think of it this way Jeanine, if you and I went on a date and we woke up the next morning, but I didn’t really have a good time I probably wouldn’t send you flowers.”  WTF!!!  (today that would be sexual harassment)  My first thought was…who says I’d invite you to spend the night…and secondly WTF!!  This is your analogy of why I’m not getting a much-deserved bonus?  I left that division to move to another department and received the bonuses I deserved…maybe because the head of that department was a woman and not a hot-headed Italian man (he probably had a small penis…did I just say that!)

I probably should apologize to all the business women out there who get treated unfairly by virtue of their gender because it never occurred to me to stand up for them.  I was lucky enough to be a stay-at-home mom and am very proud of the two people I raised.  It was a job that I loved, and not an easy one at times, but I never wanted to do anything else.  It never occurred to me that if I did want to do something else I might be denied the privilege due to my gender.  Naivete, probably, but maybe it’s just ’cause I’ve always been told, by my mother and by those nuns in high school, that I could do anything I put my mind to.  Maybe I should put that to the test and try to break some glass ceilings somewhere…at the age of almost 55!!? Oh yeah, there might be age discrimination now too?!

Have you had any experiences, in the workplace or otherwise, where you were treated differently because you’re a woman?  Do tell!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Monday…Laugh!!

There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious
as laughter and good humor!…Charles Dickens

…and to start your week off with a good laugh, check out these videos from the Ellen show of her producer in haunted houses.  It literally makes me cry and laugh out loud when I watch them.  Enjoy!!

the original…. 2013 Andy & Amy haunted house

2015 version… 2015 Andy & Eric Stonestreet

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Chicken (or salmon) Goat Cheese Ravioli with a Butter/Vermouth Sauce

IMAG5423I just made this a few weeks ago and remembered how much I love it!  The sauce is to die for!  I’m sure most of my friends have had it at my house at a dinner party at some point over the years.  Full disclosure, I got this at a neighborhood party many, many years ago and I’m not sure who made it….I think it’s either Carre or Kate who got it at a cooking class?  Anyway, it’s fabulous and I almost always make it now with leftover salmon.  You know how you buy that big piece at Costco and there’s always leftovers…well make this!  Yes, it’s a bit time consuming, but just make a bunch of them and freeze for a later date.  You can pre-make the ravioli, freeze it on cookie sheets, then transfer to ziploc bags so they’re easy to just take out a few.  Just take out a couple of hours before you’re ready to poach & serve it.

2 T minced shallots
¼ c. dry vermouth
2-T. tamari or soy sauce
¼ c whipping cream
¾ c unsalted butter  (I don’t use this much…usually somewhere between 1/4 & 1/2 cup)

In a saucepan over medium heat, combine shallots, vermouth, and tamari (or soy).  Cook until reduced to about 2 T. (I never do this…I usually wait till it’s reduced a bit and then proceed) Add cream and cook until reduced to about 2 T (again, I don’t usually wait for this, but just let it reduce a little…have I mentioned I’m impatient!).  Over heat add butter a T. at a time until melted.  (I just added the whole stick at once)  Set aside.


½ c cooked ground chicken (comes in a can like tuna)…leftover salmon is great too
1/3 c goat cheese crumbled
1 tsp. Fresh gingerroot minced
2 T minced green onion
White pepper
Pinch of salt

In a bowl mix the filling ingredients and set aside.

1 egg, beaten
1 tsp. water
24 wonton wrappers (found in the refrigerated section)


To make ravioli, beat the egg with the water and a pinch of salt.  Set aside.  Place a round teaspoon o filling in each wonton wrapper.  Moisten the edges with the egg wash.   Cover with another wrapper and press around the edges to remove air and seal well. (You can crimp the excess with a crimping wheel, bit I just use a fork).



2 ½ c chicken stock

In a large frying pan heat the chicken stock to a simmer.  Poach the wonton ravioli in the simmering stock for @ 4 minutes or until centers are translucent. Put on a large serving plate & ladle sauce over generously (or put on individual plates).  Serves 4 (yes, the sauce and ravioli are very rich, so 3 is usually enough.  You’ll need a side of veggies and probably some bread to soak up that amazing sauce!)

Bon Appetit!!  ….and Happy Halloween!

 You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Top Ten? My Favorite Things?

As many of you know, David Letterman retired back in May after 30+ years as the host of both Late Night and Late Show...and presented his final “Top 10” list.  In that vein, I present my top 10…or maybe it should just be my favorite things, because, really I just can’t limit it to ten (so many in every category!)…

#10…Movies… (movies I never get tired of seeing over & over again!)  The Sound of Music, Singing in the Rain, The Shawshank Redemption, Something’s Gotta Give, Amelie, Chocolat, The Wizard of Oz

#9…Gamesmahjong, monopoly, words with friends or wordfeudor just a fun puzzle

mah jongg at the beach2

#8…Foods…french fries, avocados, sour cream and onion potato chips, sushi/sashimi, grilled homemade pizza, Snickers, Reese’s pb cups, wedge salad, bacon anything! …and chardonnay, even though it’s not a food.

#7…Funky, Fun Clothes…a few brands I like…Ivan Grundahl, Bryn Walker, Oska, Arthurio Lino

BRYN-WALKER-Flax-Light-Linen-OLIVER-PANT-Balloon-Panel-Hem-XS-S-M-L-XL-GRAPPATrousers Lucy

Unroll Me.….this website will make your in-
box so much tidier by “rolling” all of the sites you subscribe to into one email.
Houzz  ….everything you always wanted to know about interior
design, with pictures, how-to’s, etc…. warning: it’s a time sucker!
Tripadvisor  ….comprehensive travel website..I especially like to ask the “experts” questions when I’m going on a trip somewhere I’ve never been.  They’re so helpful!
Closet Cooking…extensive, creative recipes you’ll want to try

#5….Traveling …too many destinations (…but you know NYC & Paris are high on the list)

#4…Rowing, of course…although Football is a close second…to watch, not play



#2…my family and friends, who are the best!!

egan cousins

#1…My kids and kids-in-law…they make me proud and happy every day!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Mondays….Imagine


If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
If you can dream it, you can become it…..William Arthur Ward  

You are your only obstacle!
You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

The Right to Die

This might seem like a morbid kind of post, but I thinks it’s a compelling and sometimes polarizing topic, so here goes!  A couple of weeks ago Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that makes it legal for physicians to prescribe life-ending drugs to terminally ill patients.  There’s been an ongoing debate on the issue for years, but it was recently brought to the forefront this past year primarily because Brittany Maynard, a young California resident, moved her family to Oregon in order to “die with dignity” as she eloquently put it.

I don’t pretend to know how agonizing her decision was and how hard it must have been to move to another state in order to live her final months the way she chose, but I can say that I’m pretty sure I’d do the same thing given the situation.  Ever since Dr. Jack Kevorkian started the conversation on “right to die” back in the late 80’s, I’ve always thought it made sense. Yes, some people will see it as a form of suicide or are against it for religious or moral reasons, and everyone has a right to their opinion, but until you are suffering as Brittany did and walk in her shoes I don’t think it’s right to judge. I guess you can say that of many situations in life, but this one seems to spark a heated debate and sometimes tear families apart.  I think the key component in this bill is that the person must be terminally ill.  You can’t just go to your doctor and request a bunch of pills.  There are steps to go through in order to leave this world in a more humane way.  I think most people would agree that you always have to go for a second and third opinion on your specific diagnosis and do whatever you can to fight a good fight, but, in the end I’d rather die on my own terms, with my mind intact and able to express the love and gratitude I have for my family and friends, instead of them watching a slow decline in my health.  When my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer it had already metastasized to his bones and other vital organs.  He passed away four months after his diagnosis, but it was not fun watching his decline and I’m thinking that if this bill had been in place he may have chosen this option.  He always said he lived a great life, was a grateful person and he seemed brave, knowing that he didn’t have much time left on earth, but I would think it was scary knowing that you’ll be in pain for those four months.  I’ve heard horror stories of families going through their life savings, and going into debt, in order to prolong an elderly person’s life who might otherwise, when they were healthy, not have wanted this and all because a doctor couldn’t grant a final wish of death with dignity.  I, for one, am glad that doctors can add this option to the conversation with their patients.

Okay…this hasn’t been a very uplifting topic, but I’ve been thinking about it since hearing of Brittany’s dilemma, discussions with friends on the subject, and the subsequent passing of this bill and I felt the need to put it in writing.  The bill won’t go into effect until 2016, so there will be more discussion on the topic to be sure.

I think I need to go exercise now in an effort to stave off the above decision for a very long time.

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Wedded Bliss…Part 2

photo credit..Jillian Bennett

As I relive this past week’s events I just have to smile (…and sometimes cry with joy!)…..the arrival of Austin & Kate, the bachelor & bachelorette parties, the set-up, the rehearsal, the wedding, the tear-down, the pancake breakfast and finally pizza Monday.  Having a full house was so much fun!  It was exciting, exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time.  The build up to the big day seemed to go on forever, but when the week finally arrived it was a whirlwind of activity.  The feeling of warmth, fun and love transcended all my expectations…and I think that of the bride and groom.  My legs and feet are still sore from all that dancing!  There’s nothing like spending an evening of love with family and friends, new and old, to know how lucky we all are to have each other.  The smile that beamed from Taylor and Dan’s faces was priceless and a memory I will cherish.

So, without further ado, check out this awesome video by my daughter-in-law, Kate, that thoroughly captures the weekend festivities!  …and here are some pics too! (Photo credits to Jillian Bennett and Kelly Hughes)


the wedding and reception across the street from each other.
No, Amy, that isn’t an either/or choice.


rehearsal dinner


bridal party antics


the new Mr. and Mrs #callmecollery


best MOH…okay, it’s not a great pic, but you can feel the joy in their faces


the calm before the partay-tay


this is love and happiness


whip and na-na


Sunday…before leaving for their mini-moon

Again, it takes a village and I can’t thank my friends, family and neighbors for making this day happen.  Love to all of you!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Wedding Excitement and Thank yous!


The excitement is building for the wedding this weekend of my daughter, Taylor, to her beloved, Dan.  My son, Austin, and daughter-in-law, Kate arrived yesterday (I’m writing this on Thursday) and my heart is as full as my nest.  The feeling of having all four of them back in the home Austin & Taylor grew up in has made me teary many times today.


There will be countless runs to the airport in the next few days as family and friends arrive from near and far.  It takes a village to plan and implement a backyard wedding.  From the easier tasks of ordering food from a caterer and music from a dj…to the more laborious task of hanging a million lights from trees in the neighbors backyard it’s been so much fun, sometimes emotional, but always with a vision in mind that Taylor & Dan imagined over a year ago.  The amount of help from my family, neighbors and girlfriends has been nothing short of AWESOME…so, instead of making a really long speech at the wedding, I feel the need to thank them here….

  • To the Stahovich and Hughes families for all the prep work they’ve done and opening up your homes for the wedding…AMAZING!
  • To Mariellen for her expert home decorating to get my house ready for everyone’s arrival
  • To Tom for becoming a minister years ago and performing the wedding ceremonies of both my children
  • To Ann for her GORGEOUS & creative flower arranging skills for both weddings
  • To Jan, Mariellen, Sharon, Joanne, Maggie and Clare for your pre-wedding help and many errand runs
  • To Courtney, Mimi, Jerry, Sandi and Patty for tables, chairs, ironing, appetizer prep and un-ending support…and Darci and Denise for props
  • To Sharon T. for “getting her J-Lo on” and coordinating everything for the big day
  • To Monica for listening to every detail of both weddings and putting up with me day in and day out
  • To the Collery family for hosting the rehearsal dinner
  • To Clare & the Raab girls for two fabulous showers
  • To the was-band for hours spent hanging a million lights and preparing the backyard as Taylor & Dan had envisioned
  • To my amazing neighbors who let me beg, borrow and steal to make this day happen
  • …and anyone I’m forgetting :/
  • …and lastly, to my two children, Austin & Taylor and my two new children, Kate and Dan…thanks for being so damn fun, organized and making the past year a magical one!!



You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Marriage Monday…LOVE is in the air

Oops…better late never!  Congrats to my kids/kids-in-law..two married, two tying the knot this weekend! What a fantastic year!


IMG_0101Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!