Appreciate the ordinariness of our days, because that’s what makes life extraordinary…Oprah Winfrey
Okay, none of what is happening today is normal, but I like the message. People don’t wake up thinking “my world will explode today … my world will change”. The people who were impacted by the horrors of 9/11, Vegas, Pump nightclub, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas … and now Covid-19 … all started their days in an ordinary way.
Honor them by appreciating the ordinary …
(even if sometimes boring these days.)
If you’re feeling stressed, I encourage you to do this 20 minute meditation with Jay Shetty on Instagram.
… and if you have little ones at home they’re sure to love Mrs. Casey’s Greetings on youtube and instagram. She’s an awesome preschool teacher!
You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!