Happy Hannukah!…Chocolate Chip Mandelbrot (Mandel Bread)

Mandel bread (or mandelbrot) is a cookie, made mostly by Eastern European Jews…and something I remember making for Hannukah each year. It’s very similar to the Italian biscotti, although this recipe is not as hard as biscotti. The word mandelbrot comes from mandel/almond and brot/cookie…so it’s essentially supposed to be an almond cookie…except in this recipe the almonds, or any nuts, are optional. I don’t use them because back in the day my kids only wanted the chocolate chip variety. I had some a few weeks ago and thought, “I have to get my recipe out and make some of those again!” It’s Hannukah…so, no time like the present!

This recipe comes from the was-band’s grandmother who came over from Budapest during WWII. The kids called her Bubbie and she had some great recipes to share. These cookies are super easy to make, yield quite a few cookies and are NOT low-fat, as the recipe calls for 1 cup oil. I know, seems weird, but they’re awesome!

Here you go….

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

1 cup sugar
1 cup oil
3 eggs
1-1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
6 ounces chocolate chips
1 cup nuts (optional)
cinnamon/sugar combo

Beat up the sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla (yup, that’s exactly how she told me the recipe “beat up”, which is how I wrote it on my recipe card). Mix together flour baking powder and salt and slowly add to the sugar/oil mixture with a spoon. Mix until completely blended. Add the chocolate chips (I don’t measure, I just add a bunch) and nuts, if you’re using them.

Spray a cookie sheet with Pam and form into two loafs…long and skinny or short and fat, whichever you prefer.

Bake for approximately 35 minutes or until golden brown. Let it cool just a bit and sprinkle with cinnamon/sugar. I like to cut it before it gets too cooled off…it’s just easier.  Enjoy!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!


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