Let me start by saying how much I LOVE my daughter, sisters, soon to be daughter-in-law, girlfriends…and all the women in my life in general (miss you Mom!) They’ve held me up & supported me. We’ve listened to each other, laughed and cried together and I don’t know how I’d survive without them! .…..BUT
A few weeks ago I had two fun opportunities…a Duffy ride around Newport Harbor with a few couples and having cocktails with my brother-in-law and his two long-time friends (shout out to the two Michaels!) These two experiences…along with others in the past few years…have made me realize how much different it is to be in the company of men. The banter is different! It’s not better or worse, but, for me, it’s fun and interesting to see and hear that difference of opinion, that difference in a guys take on things, that difference in their humor. I’ve lived alone now for three and a half years, and as I said earlier, have been held up by the women in my life, but it’s also made me really appreciate the times I get to spend with men….and it’s just friends I’ve known for a long time, nothing romantic about it. Sure Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus , (okay some dispute that assertion), and their differences are definitely worth studying in order to understand and relate to one another more clearly as couples (hindsight is always 20/20 right?), but merely being in the company of men has made me truly appreciate and enjoy our differences. Not that I didn’t appreciate it before, but I’ve definitely taken more notice of it….as I’ve had less of those interactions.
I still think that if I meet someone it will be organically…because I’m pretty sure I’ll never go as far as this girl to find that special person (never say never, as my mom always said) but she sure is a determined one!!
Of course, I relish and look forward to future events with family and friends….and especially the camaraderie and community of my old neighborhood where there will be more parties and occasions that include some really great men….and their awesome wives, whom I love!
I’m going to garage sales looking for treasures for my new/old home this weekend with the girls in the ‘hood! ….and I’ll also try to get to this little lighthouse treasure (below) in Laguna Beach too if I get a chance (thanks to Linda for finding it!) Wishing all of you a fabulous weekend!
You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!
Having been single for many, many years, I have always appreciated the gatherings I’ve attended that included men (thanks, girls, for sharing your husbands). Give me a sporting event and a room full of guys and I’m there! Love them all.
Thrilled to hear you’re heading to the lighthouse this weekend! It’s on my list of “to do’s” too! Have a very fun time, which with your spirit and attitude, I’m sure you will! By the way, I love reading your posts! You & your sibs could have a “sibling blog” because each of you offer so much that’s creative and inspiring!!
Thanks Linda for the kind words…and for the lighthouse idea! Have a great weekend.