Happiness Lives in the Space of Novelty

existentialism pic

A few years ago I was doing some research on existentialism  on the advice of a therapist I was seeing at the time.  In doing the research, I decided to look for daily affirmations that related to existentialism.  I found a great article by John Tsilimparis over at Huffington Post that explains existentialism pretty clearly and also had the following daily affirmations…

  • I will accept that I will be forever changing and creating myself and that I will never be a “fixed” or foregone conclusion.
  • I will use mindfulness and active awareness skills to make conscious meaning out of life’s experiences. I do have some control over my thoughts, feelings and actions.
  • I will take full responsibility for all the circumstances in my life by doing what I can to make them better today. There is no one to blame anymore.
  • I will be more aware of the choices I make today and accept that I alone, am the author of my destiny.
  • I will remember who I am in relation to others and be an authentic separate individual. I will differentiate myself from others and let them experience the uniqueness of who I am.
  • I will use the rest of my time in this life wisely and accept that the prospect of death is a concept that actually helps me live life more fully.

I know, deep, huh!!  They’ve been on my bulletin board ever since.

morning in ballycotton

Somewhere along the way during my research I stumbled upon this AWESOME YouTube channel called “Shots of Awe”  and I’ve been a subscriber ever since.  I’ve showed it to a few people and some think it was way too weird and out there….and some think it’s very interesting.  Honestly, there are some I don’t even understand, but most are so fascinating to me.  I just love the passion that Jason Silva brings to whatever topic he’s talking about.  Today he uploaded one called “Happiness Lives in the New” and I thought…Oh, that’s why I love change and travel and new things!!  I don’t understand the quote at the beginning of the video at all, but the video itself was great.  Check it out…just had to share!!

  You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!  


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