Motivational Monday … 2021 HOPE

I get this weekly “Sunday Paper” from Maria Shriver in my inbox, that I’d highly recommend you subscribe to (thanks, Sharon, for the rec). A week ago we were hopeful for 2021, with the vaccine on the horizon, and just putting 2020 behind us. ….Then the attack on the Capitol happened and it shook our country.

Here’s an excerpt from today’s Sunday Paper that made me hopeful again … Thank you Maria …

“Many years ago, a friend gave me advice that I’ve never forgotten. He said to me, Maria, don’t let your story be about the sad, heartbreaking things that have happened in your life. Make that a chapter, as it is part of your story, but don’t think of it as your whole story. The whole story—the one that will make you proud—will be about how you kept growing and kept trying. It will be about how you found your way to what you call ‘the open field.

Don’t ever allow your life story to end up in the tragedy section, he continued. Keep it going and growing. Make sure it ends up in the heroine’s section!

Good advice, right?

And so, my friends, in this new year I say to you what my friend said to me: Make sure your story is one of triumph.”

BOOM! Mic drop … Happy Monday!

So let’s remain HOPEFUL, in spite of this past week’s tragedy. At the end of the day, all you need is hope and strength … hope that it will get better and strength until it does.

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

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