Motivational Monday … bye bye 2020, HELLO 2021

Let’s face it, 2020 has been quite the cluster-F$%#K!! For some, 2020 has been a seemingly never-ending stream of heartache (acknowledging and sympathizing with the extreme loss of life and livelihoods that has been tragic for our country and the world), not to mention the unbelievable political climate we have weathered. … but what if we took a moment to recognize some positive things that might come out of it (ever the glass-half-full optimist).

I hope the world has, collectively, learned to slow down, to remember what’s truly important, to appreciate simpler things, to live with gratitude, and to cherish the gift of family and friends.

Here, is my glass-half-full scenario … some positive things I’ve contemplated this past year

  • we learned how to make bread, pasta and cook … further nourishing the idea of the family and friends gathered around the table
  • reading, puzzles, and knitting are really relaxing, fulfilling activities
  • working from home started out as a WHAT???, awkward, thing and became an “I can do this … at least part time”
  • kids are happy that they get to spend more time with their parents … even if parents are less than enthusiastic about that extra time
  • zoom was so weird in March … and then it became a way to connect with friends & family … and learn new skills
  • we did not give up! we persevered, we reinvented ourselves, we realized our resilience
  • it made us recognize “Black Lives Matter” and “White Privilege,” which may not have been the case in another “normal” year. This was big for humanity.
  • wedding and birthday “CELEBRATIONS” were postponed, but people still got married, babies were born, we had birthdays and marked milestones with drive-byes, snail mail, and other smaller, but more meaningful, commemorations of life events. If nothing else, we were creative.

I’m actually fascinated to see what the sociological repercussions of this year will show in, say, ten years. What will this time teach us?

A final note … I found this about a month ago on the internet and listen to it every few days or so, along with my daily meditation practice. What an energizing way to start your day!! (okay, I sound a little wooo-wooo, but it really helps … try it!)


PS…on a personal note, I’m happy & grateful to be 60 today!
and celebrate my birthday with Jude, age 3!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!


  1. Happy birthday Jeanine, I hope you have a fantastic day! Aren’t grandchildren the best? I miss you and your GREAT attitude. Also ,how do I buy a copy of your book? Hugs from Connecticut.

  2. Your blog makes me happy! And you hit the proverbial nail on the head! Grateful for all the small, but meaningful connections, plus the large and beautiful ones (1st grandchild, son’s marriage)! Please continue to Keep us inspired with your infectious optimism!
    Wishing you many more healthy and birthdays with your loving family! Better days ahead‼️

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