Weekend adventure with the neighbors

dusk in the meadow

The neighborhood made the road trip out to Williams, AZ for another “Weekend in the Woods” courtesy of The Fabulous Farley’s. This was the biggest group yet…around 40….with ages ranging from 4 months to some in their 60’s and it all felt so right to be together as a group.

I can’t imagine how much work it is for the Fabulous Farley’s to organize a weekend full of food and fun for 40 people, but they did and it was another success.

The weekend always starts at O-dark-thirty, so we can get out of SoCal before the throngs of cars descend on the freeways. It was a week after the Pokeman Go craze had started…so there were warnings!


The route to Williams takes us along parts of Historic Route 66, so we made a pit-stop along the way at Seligman and the Road Kill Cafe.



I’m not kidding, the best BLT sandwich I’ve ever had. If you’re a fan of the BLT you’ll note that many times the bread is so thick and toasted that it hurts the roof of your mouth…or that there’s too much L & T and not enough B. This one was lightly toasted so the bread was still squishy and had two different layers of bacon…it was amazing..sorry I didn’t take a pic (but I found this almost approximation of what I had).

Our Thursday arrival starts with the sign up sheet for weekend…you have choices like “food prep”…my personal favorite…”cooking”, “clean up”, “kindling collecting”, “fire prep” as well as a variety of others. There are even some for the little kids so everyone feels included. Just about everyone camps in tents, except for a select few wusses…me being one of them…that sleep in the main house. I actually like the idea of camping outside under the stars…it’s the bathroom part of it all that I’m a wuss about. My bed and accommodations were comfortable and perfect for the weekend. I might do a compromise next time and rent a little motor-home? That’s kind of camping, right?

Dave wanted to make sure I was level!

We were divided into three teams for the planned activities, which this year included, the ever popular, archery and wood chopping, as well as the new “plot improvement” and “geo-caching.” My favorite was the geo-caching…or treasure hunt…working together, running for flags, looking for the final spot where we’d find our treasure. Watching the kids run around in the forest of trees and hear the squeals of delight as we found each little flag was the highlight. It didn’t hurt that our team came in first and the next team was nine minutes behind us….just sayin’! No, I’m not competitive! I was thankful that one of the activities did not entail pulling any mulliens this year, but we’d all do it again in a heartbeat if asked.

the winning geo-caching…and overall…team

Of course there were nights at the campfire, s’mores, the kid’s made home made ice cream, the adults had a little craft of their own and a good time was had by all. I think it’s always more fun to share the experience with pictures, so here you go….

Happy Birthday Katie…with the best cake made directly in the fire.
plot improvement project
archery…not to brag, but my son-in-law was the archery champion…BULLSEYE!
geo-caching…very serious stuff, includes directions and a compass
home made ice cream…just roll it back and forth!
there’s a campfire story coming!


a campfire isn’t complete without s’mores
adult project…we made hummingbird feeders out of used bottles (I had a great pic of the girls making them, but it wouldn’t download…dang it!)
T&D made a double decker one


One of our neighbors, Yvonne, is from Argentina and we learned all about maté..a traditional Argentinian (..& other countries) tea. I’d heard about it from my friend Mimi a few years ago and the customary ritual of drinking it together.
…and the cool vessel, a calabash gourd, that you drink it out of…I want one!
okay, I know it’s blurry, but that’s what happens with a night shot.
how cool is this outdoor shower with the water heated from the wood burning stove to the left and captured in the containers above.
…back on the road again….until next time!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Strawberry Rhubarb Mojito…Guest blogger Gina!

gina mojito 2
photo cred: Gina Boles

This is a note & recipe from my home exchange friend, Gina, from Dublin Ireland…
(I’ve made a few adjustments, such as grams/ml etc..for us Americans)

I love rhubarb, & a few weeks ago, one of the girls who teaches with me, brought in a huge bag of it from her mother’s garden, & got us all to help ourselves. I didn’t want to make a tart or anything, so thought I’d just cook it down to a puree & freeze that for later use. But, when I had the puree I had a brainwave, & thought I’d strain it for a syrup base for cocktails! Because I’d recently bought new cocktail glasses as I was hosting my book club! It was fab. And I’ve since bought more rhubarb (it’s still in season) & repeated this with ginger.

And – I couldn’t face wasting all the pulp, so I used some of it as filling in some muffins. They were delish. And the rest went with yogurt for breakfast.


1 to 1.25 lbs rhubarb, cut into chunks
3 or 4 strawberries – not too many
1 cup super fine sugar
3/4 cup water
Put all into a saucepan, bring to the boil, then simmer gently for 30 mins.
Keep the lid on to avoid losing any liquid.
Strain all the liquid into a jug, then press the puree to extract as much juice as possible.
Cool down well in the fridge.


rhubarb/strawberry syrup…isn’t it beautiful?!

(You could try an alternative, which is instead of strawberries, add about a 1 inch chunk of fresh ginger cut into pieces)

2 oz. rhubarb syrup
1 oz. white rum
1 oz. fresh lime juice
1 oz. 7up (or ginger ale for some spice for the alternative, ginger, version)

Serve over crushed ice, muddled with some mint.
Add a strawberry or hang a disc of ginger on the side.
Use a baton of rhubarb as a stirrer.


That first pic was taken by Gina with her new cocktail glasses. I took the pics of the prep when I made it for myself (watching the convention and celebrating the first woman presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton). It was easy to make and a really yummy cocktail, although next time I’ll try it with fizzy water instead of 7-up ’cause it was a bit sweet…but a really great flavor. It’ll be perfect for my Friday night at the Hollywood Bowl seeing A Chorus Line.

Thanks Gina! That was the easiest, and tastiest, cocktail blog post I’ve done. Any other guest bloggers who’d like to share a favorite recipe?

My beautiful friends, Marsha (always game to travel!) and Gina…at the rooftop bar of Fade St. Social in Dublin

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Monday…Others…A Two-fer


A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort! …H. Oliver Albright


Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your own inner voice…. Steve Jobs

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

Motivational Monday…Tragedy

mr rogers

With all the crazy and sad things that happened in the world this past week, I thought Mr. Rogers would be comforting and motivating.

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

On Traveling Alone…

footsteps in the sand

I think it’s pretty obvious from this blog that I love traveling. My parents instilled that gift in all five of us. When my marital status changed 3.5 years ago I had many choices, but one that challenged/scared me a bit was whether I’d still be able to pursue my love for travel….but on my own? Back in the day as our nest was emptying eight years ago I was looking forward to the spontaneous time to just take off, with no coordinating kid stuff while we were away. The was-band and I did get to do quite a bit of traveling for a few years and it was so much fun, but was definitely driven more by my desire than his. Could I still do it on my own? …would it still be fun? I can now say that “YES” I can travel alone and still love it!


I think the greatest joy I get from traveling alone is that I can wander aimlessly, stopping into little shops and cafes, wherever my feet take me. “Oh, there’s an exhibit at that museum over there! I think I’ll go in!” The time is all mine and the decisions are my own. What to eat, when & where. I, literally, get to stop and smell the roses…or enjoy that amazing view…or just sit in a park and read a book….without ever asking anyone’s opinion or permission. If I’m cranky or tired, I can take a nap and I’m not holding anyone back…or being judged.


I think my friends would, accurately, say that I do an awful lot of pre-planning when I go on a trip…whether with a group or by myself. Hot tip…Pinterest is your friend when you’re planning a trip!! I love the before planning, because it actually makes the wandering easier. Does that make sense? When I was in Paris, one day I wanted to eventually get over to the Ile Saint-Louis, and because of my planning, knew exactly how to get there by foot or by metro…but the beautiful thing was all the wonderful gems that I discovered along the way that were not planned as I spontaneously decided to walk the side-streets to my destination. I would never have lingered at an outdoor cafe for three hours, alternating reading with people watching, if I was with someone, because I’d feel like we needed to “get going” to the next place.

corner cafe on the Ile Saint-Louis

It’s not just the wandering and making your own decisions that makes traveling alone unique. It’s the difference in perspective that you get by NOT sharing it with someone at that moment, taking pictures, writing in your journal, and then sharing it later on. (helloooo, blog post!) You truly come away with a completely different experience and, in some ways, a deeper appreciation of a place because you’re constantly reflecting on that new experience.


In writing this, I realize that part of my love of wandering is probably rooted in my dad’s affinity for tours. Whenever we arrived at our destination (which were usually awesome) my dad felt it mandatory that we take whatever tour was offered in order to get a feel for the place and it’s history. Yes, we learned a lot, and maybe it’s easier to keep track of everyone when you have five kids, but it was so structured. We were the people at Disneyland following the lady with the flag…”we’re walking, we’re walking!” Ugh!! Hence, my aversion to tours. That being said, a tour I would recommend is a walking tour. They’re usually free, done by locals, and you get to chat with strangers taking the tour, while discovering some trivia or special place you didn’t know about when you arrived. And if you get bored with it you just skip out on your own…nobody is keeping track.

Solo travel has taught me that I can be with myself, surrounded by strangers, and love the place I’m in…and enjoy my own company. I’ve been proud of myself for walking into a restaurant for dinner with confidence…that I really didn’t have…and leaving that evening feeling a sense of accomplishment for successfully doing something a little scary in a foreign place and chatting up the server or my neighboring table.

always fun traveling with this group!

Don’t get me wrong…I love to travel with my friends and family and wouldn’t trade that for the world! There’s nothing like sharing all those new experiences…the food, the architecture, the local customs….with others. My NY trips have been the perfect mix of wandering on my own and planned activities with my kids. The best of both worlds!! Given the choice, I’d travel with friends, but that’s not my reality right now…and so many people have asked me about solo travel, hence this post to share my perspective.

Solo travel means you can’t sit at home waiting for other people’s schedules to jive with your own. Let’s face it, most of my friends are happily married, so they’d have to understandably coordinate with their significant other. Because I’m single I don’t have to check with anyone before leaving town and can make last minute decisions…whether a weekend away or a last-minute home exchange. It might be a bit scary and daunting at first, but once you do it you’ll appreciate the different experience that it creates…and that you can be a pretty good solo traveler!

… this article has some practical tips on traveling alone

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!


The World is Your Oyster

red front door
My home

Do a home exchange!  The friends you’ll meet, the families you’ll connect with, the countries you’ll explore….priceless. I’ve done a 2 week exchange in Ireland (…and I now count Gina, Andy and their family among my cherished friends), a few mini-weekend vacations in California and am looking forward to my upcoming exchanges with a family in Copenhagen…for the World Masters Rowing Championships…and Pismo/Grover Beach…for a wedding!

Copenhagen…here I come! Thanks to my home!
pismo spiral
…and looking forward to the wedding near Pismo beach!

I’ve been asked many, many times “but isn’t it weird or scary having people in your home? Do you put your stuff away?”  No!  They’re in your home, you’re in their home!  (Okay, I do have one locked file cabinet, but that’s it) Thanks to technology, you meet them via the exchange, skype/video chat a few times, feel comfortable, book flights, send pertinent information and you’re on your way to an amazing adventure!

exchange this…
…for this!

I get that it’s just weird and uncomfortable for some people to allow virtual strangers to sleep in their beds, shower in their showers and use their stuff. I just don’t have a problem with it, and at this stage in my life my home is a gift that can be bartered to get free accommodations around the globe. I literally sometimes thank my house for allowing me to travel…I know, I’m weird!! I realize it might not work for you, but I believe in trust and the innate good in everyone, so it’s a no brainer…you share your home with someone and you get to discover the world!  WIN..WIN!! Go on…give it a try!

home exchange

If I’ve peaked your interest, check out their website… www.homeexchange.com ….and start exploring this vast planet of ours.  The world becomes a smaller place when you connect with people from other cultures and walks of life.

Let me know if you do!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

NY Adventures….Mansions, Museums and A Memorable Meal


The theme for the day was dictated by the recent book club book, The Rainbow Comes and Goes by Gloria Vanderbilt and Anderson Cooper…..mansions, 5th Avenue, architecture… and a couple of the places noted in the book. I took the F to the 6 all the way up the east side to 103rd St to check out the Central Park Conservatory Garden. This wasn’t in the book, but I had been meaning to see these gardens and, in my research, saw that the main entrance is The Vanderbilt Gate, so it fit my theme for the day. The Vanderbilt Gate is an intricate wrought iron piece of art made in France that used to be the entrance to the Vanderbilt Mansion on 5th Ave and 58th St…which is now Bergdorf Goodmans. It was donated to the city and moved up to it’s current location.


The Conservatory Garden is so serene…and even though it’s just steps away from 5th Avenue, it is as quiet and tranquil as can be.

there was a wedding party waiting just to the right of this pic
the wisteria pergolad..can you even imagine how spectacular this must be when the wisteria is hanging down?
the north end of the gardens…three dancing maidens

The weather was so gorgeous! I continued south through the park, exiting at 91st street, heading over to the East River to check out Gracie Mansion and 10 Gracie Square, where Anderson & Gloria lived at one time (I know, sounds like I’m a stalker…weird!) The first building I come upon on 91st & 5th is the Cooper Hewitt Museum, no relation to Gloria and Anderson, but a gorgeous mansion that used to be the home of Andrew Carnegie. I didn’t go  in, but after looking at their exhibits, it’s on my “to do” list for the next trip.


Moving on towards the East River. I’ve seen Gracie Mansion, where the Mayor lives, from the water and it’s beautiful….not so much from the river walk. It’s covered with gorgeous trees that give the Mayor and his family a little privacy (so, no pics). 10 Gracie Square is a cool building architecturally, although my pic doesn’t do justice to the intricacies of the top of the building….and the views must be gorgeous from way up there!



Now, it was time to just enjoy the architecture as I made my way to the MET to meet A&K…

Zion-St Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church…love the red doors!


how cool is this art-deco architecture!?

Made it to the MET with some time to spare and have always wanted to check out the American Irish Historical Society, which is right across the street. It’s a cool brick building and I thought I’d take a tour and maybe chat with someone about my unsuccessful attempt at obtaining Irish citizenship a few years back (that’s a whole other blog post!) I knew they had a 1:00 tour…it was 12:45. I headed up to the door and it was locked…I called…OH, they close at 1:00 on Fridays in the summer. Again…next time…ugh!

american irish historical society
disclaimer…sadly, there was scaffolding in front of the building, so I copied this from the internet…so beautiful!

Austin had some subway delays, so I thought I’d head into the MET and check out the Manus x Machina fashion exhibit. It’s a contrast in machine vs. manual, or haute couture, and the execution in making these high end designs come to fruition. It was fascinating! I took a bunch of pictures, but I’ll spare you. Here are some highlights…

one of my favorites…something a little girl dreams of wearing..sparkly and fairy-tale like

IMAG1375 IMAG1374

…both of these dresses are made from plastic straws!

this flat, pleated piece becomes…..
C’mon…how cool is that! Marie Kondo would love how efficient this would be to store in your closet!

After checking out the exhibit I went back down to the entrance and the Great Hall to wait for Austin on one of the many benches. I met an interesting, spry, elderly volunteer who lives on the UES and had a lovely conversation with her. She recommended the book Before the Fall by Noah Hawley that I’ve added to my summer book list! Austin arrived and we headed up to the rooftop for a cocktail, spectacular views of NYC, the treetops of Central Park and the Psycho barn installation that’s on display. It’s very whimsical…and will be on display until October 31st….Halloween…how apropos!


he’s very INTO art! haha!


After more subway delays and traffic, Kate made it up to meet us on the rooftop. We stayed a bit and then walked across the park for a quick subway down to west village and dinner at the James Beard House. I’ve been wanting to go to this place for their multi-course meal prepared by visiting guest chefs and the “Return to Venice”  menu looked like a good choice. They don’t have dinners every night and there are other events to check out on their website. You can also reserve the 3rd floor room for private events. It was actually James Beard’s home. The evening started with hors d’oeuvres and drinks out on the back patio…followed by dinner in the dining room on the second floor. The meal was delicious and we enjoyed the company of the people we dined with, but we all agreed that the appetizers were the most delish. Just like Eatwith on my previous NY visit, I love sitting with strangers and finding out their story. It’s like a communal table! I didn’t get many pics because I wanted to just enjoy the experience. I guess you’ll just have to go yourself to see what I’m talking about! Another successful and fun day in Manhattan…although, again, I didn’t get to the other four places from the book that I had on my list! It’s probably best…I don’t look so much like a stalker!




third floor private dining room

I was leaving on Saturday afternoon, so we took a nice walk to Prospect Park (another gorgeous design by Olmsted, who designed Central Park), stopping for coffee at Milk Bar, home of the crack pie, on our way…I had to find out what a bagel bomb was too!


a bite-size little burst of flavor!

What a delightful walk enjoying the beautiful brownstones and homes of Carroll Gardens and Park Slope before reaching the park.




Prince never tires of fetching the ball…one happy dog!


Our last stop was at Abilene’s across the street from their apartment. What are they looking at?

We noticed that a bunch of police were moving cars and blocking off the street. We decided to investigate and walk off our meal….when we came upon the Knights of Columbus parade…

Carroll Gardens is such a cute, neighborly place…with young families with strollers and kids playing outside…and their apartment is so bright and open. What a great trip visiting Austin, Kate and Prince. It’s just fun hanging out with them and always so sad to leave.

…can’t wait to walk through their door again!

You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!

NY Adventures…I’m still in Brooklyn!


I had originally planned to take an Uber to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, but it was a little after 2:00, I’d walked for quite awhile and changed my plans (I think jet-lag was creeping in?!). As I strolled up Atlantic Avenue I got distracted about 1/2 mile up by this adorable cat cafe! I had to see what it was about, but it didn’t open until 3 so I had a 45 minutes to kill….what to do?! A glass of wine and a little appetizer to sustain me, of course! I stopped a few doors down at Brado Thin Crust Pizza and sat outside at a cafe table. Another fabulous people-watching opportunity! I wasn’t really hungry, but it’s hard to resist their yummy menu, so I ordered an appetizer of goat cheese, caramelized onions and prosciutto crisp crostini. A picture is worth a thousand words…


RIDICULOUS! So good! So, when 3:00 rolled around I popped in to the Brooklyn Cat Cafe. How fun would it be to visit this place if you live in a small NYC apartment that doesn’t allow pets….or you just don’t have the time/money/lifestyle for a furry friend. It’s a $5 donation and the cats/kittens are available for adoption. It was adorable just sitting there, petting them and watching the interaction between the people and animals. You can watch them too on their live kittycam!




Okay, enough of that…time to get back to A&K’s apartment. Atlantic Avenue has cute little shops and cafe’s…and there’s even a Barney’s. At the corner of Atlantic and Court, where I turn right, is the biggest Trader Joe’s I’ve ever seen! It’s in an old bank building and so cool. I couldn’t resist seeing the inside, so stopped for some flowers.



I finally made it back to the apartment around 5 and just relaxed. On his way home from work, around 6:45ish, Austin put our name in at a pizza place that they really like….our table would be ready around 8:45-9ish. It seemed like a crazy long wait, but they just call you when you’re table is ready, so what the heck! As luck would have it, their friend, Steve, just found out he had passed the test that made him an official licensed architect..woohoo, another reason to celebrate. So, Kate made it home from work, we popped a bottle of champagne, and then it was time to walk over to Henry St and see what Lucali was all about!


Okay…let me just say that this is the best deal I’ve ever had while in NYC! It’s BYOB, which is always cheaper, they have pizzas and calzones and it’s cash only. We ordered one pizza and one calzone. The pizza was some of the best I’ve had…such awesome thin crust dough with that bubble that is crisped up perfectly! We had leftovers and the bill was a whopping $54.00…FIFTY-FOUR-DOLLARS…WHAT!!! The restaurant is so quaint too!  You must go…just be patient!

they use wine bottles to roll out the dough!





So, the owner walked in towards the end of our meal and we proceeded to follow Kate as she walked into the backyard garden and started chatting him up! It was awesome!

The end of another perfect NYC day…this one spent entirely in Brooklyn! (I still have to see the Botanic Garden…so much to see, so little time!)


You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails!